This is the fourth and final installment of the series, “The Evil Of Digitizing The Analog Of God,” which Biblically explores the rebellious agenda of Transhumanism to erase God and His will from His Analog creation. Author’s note with apology: This is a longish read!

With all the social upheaval shattering our peace and security these days, it is not surprising that many fearful people have become intrigued by the visionary precision of transhumanism with its promises of a digitized global order, biological perfection and an assured immortality. The most recent Pew Research study, in fact, has shown that large numbers of younger Americans have rejected Christianity and are joining the ranks of non-affiliated “spiritual independents” who often seem to prefer the immersive enchantments that can be realized with the advanced technology of the Digital.

According to the implications of Tara Isabella Burton’s book, Strange Rites: New Religions for A Godless World, these new emerging religions have basically tossed Jesus aside to build their own belief systems based on an emotional attachment to the romantic ideals often found in the stuff of dreams. Not surprisingly, the most popular influencers of this new spirituality are fantasy fiction, neopagan rituals and techno-utopianism.

“By and large, today’s new cults…are what I will call intuitional religions,” writes Burton. “By this, I mean that their sense of meaning is based in narratives that simultaneously reject clear-cut creedal metaphysical doctrines and institutional hierarchies and place the locus of authority on people’s experiential emotions.”

The tragic component of this spiritual trend, reports Burton, is that each one of these newly invented or “remixed” religions is “refractory” in nature, and “at its core, a religion of the self” where the “desire for personal authenticity and experiential fulfillment” reigns supreme. Lacking any sense of responsibility to a higher power or the greater good, these Millennial and Gen Z cultists have turned from the transcendence of God to focus on their own divine human potential. Thus, Burton is compelled to ask:

“When we are all our own high priests, who is willing to kneel?”

Of course, one would think that having this almost-magical ability to create a self-centered religion in the empowering confines of the Digital realm would finally bring spiritual peace, but such is not the case. Like petulant children, some of our younger citizens appear to be even more agitated when their alternate realities frequently fail them and they feel compelled to post angry selfies on social media for catharsis. Yet just imagine what they will do when their false sense of security in the Digital vanishes in a grim apocalyptic haze as our world moves farther away from God and closer to His final judgment.

Undoubtedly, when chaos finally takes the reins of the world to gallop off into perdition, people of every color and stripe will suddenly panic about securing their place in eternity — if they haven’t already done so. And whether they have been content to live in the Analog world created by God or have escaped into the Digital realm being built by man, every human being will still be predominately concerned about one thing: his or her salvation from the inevitability of death.



The yearning for salvation has always been a common theme among those rooted in the physical world where God has revealed Himself, especially in these last days through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:2). Yet even with that divine revelation, men and women have often looked for a more convenient solution to their spiritual predicament by placing their trust in worldly wisdom instead of God’s hard Truth (James 3:15). This is why, ever since the days of Adam, the masses have often pursued self-righteousness as the means by which they hope to achieve some kind of eternal glory as reward for their good deeds (Isaiah 64:6; Romans 10:3; Titus 3:5).

What may come as a surprise to many, however, is how the transhumanists and techno-rebels of the Digital are acting just like the rest of us who are burdened by the weight of sin. Having fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), they feel a gnawing hunger in their souls for a provision of salvation — whether they are conscious of it or not. Yet instead of looking to their Creator or even their “good works” for relief, they are placing their faith in the idols of Science and Technology to secure the promise of eternal life on earth.

Indeed the false gospel of transhumanism is deeply grounded in the belief that these twin gods of Human Potential can bring salvation to men and women by reprogramming their biology and deleting from their original design the “wages of sin, which is death” (Romans 6:23). Like the Gnostics of old, these techno-cultists view the “Creator-God” as a miserable failure (if they acknowledge Him at all) who is responsible for creating a greatly flawed and evil material world, and they firmly believe they have the visionary capability to defeat the sentence of death with their so-called higher “knowledge.”

Transhumanism, therefore, is not only a futuristic philosophy that drives the creation of the Digital, but is clearly emerging as a high-tech neo-pagan religion, and decidedly anti-Christ at its core.

Even as a timid transhumanist, World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari smugly asserts that Science and Technology is vastly superior to the Gospel in the matter of mankind’s salvation. “All this story about Jesus rising from the dead and being the son of God — this is fake news,” he has stated on multiple occasions. “We don’t need to wait for Jesus Christ to come back to earth to overcome death. A couple of geeks in a laboratory can do it if you give them enough time and money.”

Shockingly, Harari’s anti-Christ rhetoric doesn’t stop there. “God is dead,” he once blasphemously pronounced with a wry smile during an interview. “It just takes awhile to get rid of the body.”

Getting rid of a body, of course, is what a murderer does to hide his crime, so it makes sense that these zealots of the Digital are all too happy to crucify again the Son of God by holding Him up to public mockery. This they do because they are convinced that they have no need of a living Savior, even though Jesus “abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). Instead, they have placed their feeble confidence in the power of man’s knowledge to eliminate death and transform flesh-and-blood beings into post-humans merged with machines.

As explained by prominent transhumanist Zoltan Istvan, “Transhumanists first and foremost want to live indefinitely and they are outraged at the fact their bodies age and are destined to die. They blame their biological nature, and dream of a day when DNA is replaced with silicon and data.” And then, leaving little doubt where the false shepherds and neophytes of the Digital cult place their faith, Istvan boldly declares:

“Salvation is in science and progress…”

This, perhaps, is their most anti-Christ articulation yet put forth. Contained in this small cup of words is an overflow of spiritual ignorance that scoffs at the plain truth of the Gospel. In direct opposition to Istvan’s tragic statement, God’s word has repeatedly proclaimed in short measure:

“Salvation is of the Lord.”

Here in this simple but profound and oft-repeated declaration (e.g. Jonah 2:9; Psalm 3:8; Revelation 7:10), the Bible sharply refutes the false religion of transhumanism with all the authority and power of an eternal God who destroys “every argument and lofty opinion” against His truth (2 Corinthians 10:5). Thus, it is written, true salvation is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ, for “there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).



The Biblical truth is, every man and woman born into the Analog world has been “brought forth in iniquity and conceived in sin” (Psalm 51:5), and are, by nature, “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). This has been true from the early days of creation when the first man, Adam, disobeyed God and introduced sin into the world. As a consequence, “sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death passed to all men and women because all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).

The fatal mistake of transhumanism, therefore, is in the driving belief that redesigning and retooling man into superhuman status will somehow offset the penalty of death imposed upon sinful humanity. Yet their idea that a person can be absolved of, or separated from one’s sinfulness by seeking refuge in the godless world of the Digital is a fallacy and a microwave recipe for the damnation of the soul. To be blunt, the vain attempt to imagine, create and flee to a self-serving augmented reality is the strategy of the coward and the fool (Proverbs 1:7; 28:1).

Try as they might, transhumanists and other Digital cultists cannot escape from their Creator, for “there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). Indeed God has already warned such people that their plan of escape, even to flee into the technological rocks of the Digital, will utterly fail. “Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him?” declares the Lord. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” (Jeremiah 23:24).

As Creator and Sustainer of this world, God sees everything and is sovereign Lord over every aspect of its intricate design and workings. In His omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience, He rules not only the noteworthy events of human history, but also the lives of individual persons. He knits us together in our mothers’ wombs (Psalm 139:13-16). He decides whether we travel or stay home (James 4:13-17). And yes, even more importantly, He exerts His power to save sinners, to bring forgiveness and a born-again life (Ephesians 2:8-10).

It is in this grand proprietary conception of the Analog world, therefore, where Almighty God formed Adam from the dust, brought him to life by His breath, and made him a living soul (Job 4:19; 33:4; I Corinthians 15:45). And thus, from the procreation of this first man (and the first woman by his side), God has sovereignly created and guided every nation of humanity “to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, with the intention that they seek after Him” (Acts 17:26-27).

And why would God be pleased to rule over the ebb and flow of this sea of humanity and expect a great multitude to humble themselves, and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways? Because God has already devised, planned and implemented the only true and eternal plan of salvation for mankind, which He put into place in the timelessness of eternity as a bulwark against the Fall of Man that would occur in the timeline of history.

In light of this Scriptural truth, there is no reason for the earthly citizens of the Analog to flee into the false hope of a Digital salvation. Yes, all humanity may be estranged from the fellowship of God, having lost their original righteousness through the disobedience of Adam, but God is even now working out His gracious plan to redeem mankind from their lowly, corrupted state and purifying a people for Himself (Titus 2:14).

And it is all being done through the work of His eternal Son, Jesus Christ, who the Father has sent to be the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD (1 John 4:14), and who the apostle Paul called, by inspiration, the LAST ADAM, and a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT (1 Corinthians 15:45).



Sadly, the techno-cultists of the Digital have no interest in the redemptive power and spirit of the Last Adam, or as Jesus is more fully revealed, “the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13). Instead they are openly advocating the replacement of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in favor of their creation of a technologically-evolved Human, or what the more metaphysically-minded counterparts of transhumanism would call the THIRD ADAM.

This sorry supposition is a by-product of their woefully deficient concept of humanity which they have cherry-picked from the Bible for the maximum effect of satanic propaganda. In their twisted view, Adam is the symbolic first man who became upright; Jesus is the symbolic “Second Adam” who became godlike; and Evolved Man, or the Higher Self, is the actualized “Third Adam” who will transcend his biological weakness to become the true eternal god of the Digital.

At its core, this philosophical attempt to hijack and redefine the Biblical concept of God and man is an attack upon the sanctity of human life that is grounded in the imago Dei (Genesis 1:27; 9:6). Citing the feebleness of our Analog existence, the transhumanists hope to supplant human beings created in the “image of God” with those who are recreated in the augmented image of the Higher Self.

“It is their belief,” writes journalist Mark O’Connell, “that we can and should use technology to augment our bodies and our minds; that we can and should merge with machines, remaking ourselves, finally, in the image of our own higher ideals.”

Indeed, according to Robin McKie, science editor at the Observer News, the main objective of transhumanism is to “produce humans who have vastly increased intelligence, strength, and lifespans” to become, in essence, “a near embodiment of gods…”

This unslakable thirst of mankind to be “like God” is nothing new (Genesis 3:5). As Ray Stedman writes, “We have not moved very far from ancient idolatry. In the ancient world, they took a piece of gold or silver or wood and carved or formed an idol, thus worshiping the works of men’s hands. Today we don’t use images, but we still see men worshiping themselves, projected to infinite proportions. Man simply thinks of himself, projects this into infinity, and worships that. That is his god.”

Thus, the transhumanists continue the sad historic tradition of worshiping and serving the creature instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25). This time, however, they have the increasing power of the Digital to bring about their techno-divinity and construct their own self-serving religion. Even now, they are attempting to displace the triune God of Scripture with their own high-tech idol of the Self, which they will surely worship in the trinitarian Church of Me, Myself and I.

In fact, there is already one such self-centered “transreligion” called Terasem that looks forward to a “joyful immortality achieved via geoethical nantechnology” which will upload its transbelievers to a digital afterlife in a cyber-heaven. Not surprisingly, this particular “church,” like many of these new “religions” created by young fans of fantasy books and movies, was inspired by the “Earthseed” science fiction books of Octavia Butler — instead of the revelation of Almighty God.

One might ask, then, why build a Digital church at all if these transreligionists don’t even believe in God? The answer, of course, is that such positioning brings them immediate legitimacy as a spiritual player in the world — even with a stolen identity. Recent events, in fact, have revealed how easily the digital tools of transhumanism can be used to mimic the moralistic appearance of religion as a way to cloak their idolatrous agenda. Imitation may be called the highest form of flattery, but it is also a major strategy of Satan to masquerade as an “angel of light” in order to deceive (2 Corinthians 11:14).

How telling it is, therefore, when the techno-cultists of the Digital are more than happy to promote the use of Artificial Intelligence to help generate a virtual “Christian worship service” like the one recently test-driven at St. Paul’s Church in Germany. The service was complete with four “avatars” on a big-screen pulpit preaching faith-based sermons written by the AI platform, ChatGPT. Not surprisingly, people in attendance thought the event came off as cold, emotionless and without a heart… just like the neutered, Spirit-less machine that spewed it out.

Even more shocking, however, is the latest proposal to use AI technology to rewrite the holy word of God in the hopes of eliminating any hard truth that might “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). PETA, the animal rights group, has already announced plans to rework the book of Genesis with ChatGPT so they can integrate “vegan teachings” into the text and give Adam and Eve garments made of hemp and bamboo to clothe their shame instead of the animal skins provided by God.

Once upon a time in the past, our God-fearing society would have widely denounced any tampering with His sacred revelation. But with the advent of AI and its detached, almost-mystical interactive process, today’s postmodern society appears more receptive to the idea of allowing this godlike technology to create a new morality in the Digital. Not surprisingly, apologist Yuval Noah Harari has already admitted that transhumanists are almost giddy over the prospect of using AI to write a whole “new Bible” because it can be the catalyst for creating “religions that are actually correct.”

Tragically, this false hope of building a “correct” Digital church with a “corrected” Bible is based upon a myopic and rebellious humanistic philosophy that is ignorant of God’s ways, lacks the light of Jesus Christ and has absolutely zero salvific effect. Without a true Savior, their sins will still find them out, and as John Gill writes, will “fly in their faces, accuse them in their consciences, charge and load them with guilt, and bring deserved punishment upon them.”

By twisting the words of God and trying to generate an alternate religion in the Digital realm, the transhumanists have lost their way in their mad pursuit of eternal salvation. The truth is, there is no reference to Jesus being the “second Adam” in Scripture, nor is there any mention of a ridiculous “third Adam” to come. It is a satanic concoction meant to deny the revelation of Jesus Christ as THE LAST ADAM who, unlike the first Adam, perfectly loved and obeyed the Father in order to bring eternal life to those who are united with Him by faith (Romans 8:1).



Ultimately, the pivotal point of contention between God’s word and the philosophy of transhumanism is whether or not human beings can defy death and transform into eternal beings through man’s advancing technology in the Digital. Such a contention is directly opposed to the teaching of Scripture where we see the first man established in a world that came into existence by the word of the LORD at the intersection of heaven and earth (Psalm 33:6,9) — and which culminated with the declaration:

“Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26).

To be sure, the building of the Digital is utterly incompatible with the salvation of humanity because it refuses to acknowledge the God-given attributes of flesh and spirit that are essential to our life and death in the Analog. Uniquely created in God’s image to be His representative on earth, man consists of body, soul and spirit: an intricate combination of the physical and metaphysical which cannot be quantified nor digitized without corrupting the precise shape of man molded by our Creator (Genesis 1:26; Isaiah 64:8).

In the artistic method displayed by the Genesis account, we see how God purposefully tied together both the shaping of the corporeal frame and the divine “inflatus” of God’s spirit into the body: “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7; see also Job 27:3). In this one glorious verse alone, the transhumanist’s deconstructed view of man as mere bio-machine is shattered to the ground.

Even without the illumination of God’s word, we are keenly aware in our consciences that we have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” by our Creator (Psalm 139:14; Romans 1:20). As legacy humans, genetically encoded by God with the same DNA as our first parents (though now in bondage to corruption after the Fall), we have been organically and spiritually suited to dwell and rule on this earth as originally created, despite the introduction of sin and death.

According to the Cambridge Bible commentary, God’s ingenious construction of Adam from the dust “constitutes the climax and the crown of Creation” that brought an intentional interweaving of flesh and spirit. “Man was to be a creature different from all that had been hitherto made,” wrote Matthew Henry. “Flesh and spirit, heaven and earth, must be put together in him.” Thus, as Albert Barnes noted, “Man is a new species, essentially different from all other kinds on earth. He is to be allied to heaven as no other creature on earth is.”

Despite this rich Biblical understanding of mankind’s spiritual marrow, the techno-cultists of the Digital would have us believe otherwise. Indeed, the philosophy of transhumanism still seeks to divide the human body from its alliance to the spiritual dimension of God’s Creation, claiming instead that our biology can be replaced with cold robotics and our consciousness simply converted into code. As journalist Adam Frank sarcastically explains it:

“Your life, in the transhumanist conception, is reducible to the computations happening in your brain. The totality of your experience — its vibrancy and immediacy and the strange inescapable luminosity of its presence — is all just meat computing. And if that’s the case, who needs the meat? Let’s just swap out the neurons for silicon chips, and it will all be the same. Heck, it will be better, and it gets to go on forever and ever.”

Needless to say, this absurd notion of electronic immortality is a pipe dream. As neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis recently made clear, “The brain is not computable and no engineering can reproduce it. You can have all the computer chips in the world and you won’t create a consciousness.” In fact, psychologist Ralph Smart nails down the issue even further when he wrote, “No computer can be as great as a human because the one thing artificial intelligence does not have that human beings do — is a soul.”

As such, any technological conversion of man into the Digital is not a road to heaven, virtual or otherwise. Not only would it, in theory, distort God’s sovereign design and purpose for mankind (if possible), but it would surely be used by the ruling elites to usher in the earth-bound Fourth Industrial Revolution which would make us mere automatons in a global totalitarian system that has already been predestined for destruction by God (2 Peter 3:7, 10).

The prominent proponents of the Digital may call themselves “transhumanists” in some altruistic pursuit of guided evolution, but they act and speak as “dehumanists” who seek to erase God’s workmanship from the face of the earth. From a Biblical standpoint, they are in league with the “desires of the devil” as they plot the murder of the Analog man in the similitude of jealous Cain who showed by this unrighteous act that he “belonged to the evil one” (John 8:44; Genesis 4:8; 1 John 3:12).

Transhumanists, therefore, are in no righteous position to bring eternal life to humanity because they, like others who secretly hate their fellow man, have “no eternal life abiding in them” (1 John 3:15).

Despite the transhumanists’ false claim that their technology can save humanity from death, they have ignored the overarching fact that we live and breathe in the God-ordained realm of the flesh and spirit, and to be saved would certainly involve a redemption that must address both of these essential states of human existence in order to heal the spiritual damage caused by our rebellion against the Creator (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Thus, the question is asked, if transhumanism cannot save us, if science and technology cannot save us, and if the Digital realm cannot save us, then “who can be saved?” The stunning answer was given two thousand years ago by Jesus Christ when He said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26).



The Bible makes our dire situation as Adam’s children in the Analog all too clear: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Despite the arrogant boasts of transhumanism, we cannot escape to a Digital sanctuary and save ourselves from physical death and the eternal damnation we will receive in the afterlife if we are judged for our sins against God. It is simply impossible!

What sinful mankind desperately needs, therefore, is a salvation that is flawlessly calibrated to the Analog of God, where a Savior can bring divine forgiveness and righteous reconciliation by being the perfect Mediator between heaven and earth, flesh and spirit, and God and man.

The good news is that such a Mediator has come in all His glory: Jesus Christ, the Son of the Triune Godhead, full of grace and truth, who brings victory over sin and death so that “whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

Fully God (along with the Father and Spirit in the Trinity), Jesus the Son is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:15-16).

And yet — get this! Because the redemption of fallen man was already conceived by God before the world was made and even before sin was introduced on earth by Adam (Ephesians 1:4), the work of Jesus Christ as our Mediator was already set in place and would soon unfold in the historical appearance of His Incarnation as the perfect God-man bringing the New Covenant of grace to the Analog world.

True salvation, you see, is of God and performed by the gracious redemptive work of God Incarnate, Who is proudly announced in Scripture as “the Word made flesh” (John 1:14) and the “Last Adam” (1 Corinthians 15:45). Thus, if the Holy Spirit has opened your eyes to this truth, you will see the significance of God humbling Himself in the flesh to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus Christ, the innocent Lamb of God, came in the weakness of humanity, took our sins upon Himself and bore the brunt of God’s wrath in our stead, thus redeeming the believer and paying the sinner’s due penalty.

How mind-boggling it is to think that as a result of His humble Incarnation, the divine Son has clothed Himself as a true man with the normal physical, mental and emotional attributes and capacities of original humanity as found in the Analog. Therefore, as the incarnate Son, Jesus experienced the wonder and weaknesses of a completely human life, and yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He grew in wisdom and physical stature (Luke 2:52), experienced tears and joy, and suffered death on the cross and a glorious resurrection for His people’s salvation (John 11:33, 35; 19:30; 1 Cor. 15:3–4).

Indeed Jesus Christ came as a Son of Man in the Adamic race (Matthew 16:13), and yet, unlike Adam, did not fail in His love for God the Father. As the perfectly obedient God-man, Jesus laid down His life so that He could take it up again in triumph, rising from the grave and reigning even now over an everlasting kingdom and upholding the universe by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). “I died,” declares Jesus, “and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades” (Revelation 1:18).

The first Adam came to ruin in his disobedience to God, and in doing so involved all mankind in his moral failure, dragging the human race down with him. As a result, in Adam we all stand condemned, spiritually bankrupt, enslaved to sin, and expelled from Paradise (Romans 5:12).

In contrast, the Last Adam, Jesus, was victorious over sin, the flesh and the devil. As a result, in Christ, believers stand justified and redeemed, spiritually enriched, released from the snare of sin, and included in the Paradise of God (Romans 5:18; 1 Corinthians 15:21; Revelation 2:7).

Indeed, in the end, God will forever join the body and spirit in unity, and ultimately provide a glorified body for the believer (1 Corinthians 15:37-38) that will be like Christ’s glorious resurrected body as witnessed by the apostles before His ascension (John 20:27; 1 Corinthians 15:49; Philippians 3:21). To the believer of Christ, therefore, death in the Analog is not to be feared like it is for those techno-rebels who seek comfort in the false promise of eternal life in the Digital. As explained by Charles Buck:

The wicked do not descend willingly to the grave, but what a different scene do we behold in the death of the righteous man. “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace” (Psalm 37.37). Death has no terrors to him. His sins are pardoned and his guilt is removed. No bitter reflections on his past conduct. No anxiety to return and prolong his existence in the present world. No fearful looking for the day of wrath and punishment….


Death, to a godly man, is called a dissolving of the body. “For we know (says the apostle) that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God; a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens!” (2 Corinthians 5:1). He considers it only as the taking down of the human frame, to be built on a diviner plan.


He does not approach the grave as the infidel or the skeptic, uncertain what will become of him; whether his body shall mingle with the dust, or whether it will be raised again. He believes that every atom will be preserved, and though scattered in a thousand directions, that all shall be collected by the great power of Him who first created him. He has no melancholy ideas of annihilation; he wavers not in dark uncertainty; now hoping, then fearing; now trembling, then presuming; now wishing, then sinking again into the dark gloom of uncertainty.

To be sure, the implications of this victorious life with Christ as the Last Adam is incredible when it comes to our Analog death being understood as a mere darkened passage to a bright eternity with God. Writes Christian physicist, Aron Wall:

You can submit to death with joy and patience and hope, if you believe that the same God who raised Christ from the dead will raise you from the dead as well… But you must submit to death; there’s no way around it. Don’t be deceived. The false Gospel says, “Christ died so that I don’t have to die.” The true Gospel says: “Christ died, so that I too can die and be resurrected along with Him. Those who suffer with Him will reign with Him in glory, and be happy forever.”

This is what the transhumanist will never, ever comprehend, except by the grace of God. They may think they are building a virtual stairway to eternal life with the help of human augmentation in the Digital realm, but they are really on the road to judgment and the sentence of an eternal hell (Matthew 25:46). And as Eric Alexander soberly reminds us, “The real horror of being outside of Christ is that there is no shelter from the wrath of God.”

In the Analog of God, however, Jesus Christ, along with the Father and the Spirit, has provided the only human augmentation we will ever need to become “more than conquerors” over sin and death (Romans 8:37), for “he who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36).

“God is now proclaiming to mankind that all people everywhere are to repent, because He has set a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all people by raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:30-31).

Why, then, do some try to escape God’s reality of the Analog for the false hope of a Digital salvation? Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, has paved the only righteous way through this dusty earth in order to secure the greatest Reality of all: His eternal Kingdom where He will “wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).


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