What exactly is going on with Disney and that cartoon mouse of theirs? This once-heralded icon of family-friendly entertainment was already drifting away from traditional, fairly-moralistic narratives some decades ago, but now they’ve gone completely off the rails and into the ditch of woke ideology that openly promotes moral confusion, subversive sexual concepts, and unbiblical spirituality to impressionable young children.

In recent years, Disney and its subsidiaries have overseen the obligatory inclusion of sexually diverse characters in their storylines for children (Andy Mack, The Owlhouse, Lightyear, etc.), favorable portrayals of satanic and New Age teachings for both children and adults (Pocahontas, Frozen, Little Demon, etc.), and seem more than willing to engage in a culture war against Biblical values in both their entertainment and corporate policy and activities.

Funny how not that long ago Disney was pursuing legal action against neighborhood daycare centers for using copyrighted images of Disney characters on their walls, but don’t seem to have a problem with “Disney-themed” drag shows that try to blur the line between child and adult entertainment. In fact, the company didn’t even bat an eye when a recent “drag” luncheon advertised in North Carolina had a performer, dressed as a Disney character, proudly proclaiming “Satanism” at the intersection of “queer(censored) and blasphemy.”

Who would have guessed that Mickey Mouse might one day abandon his status as a beloved cartoon hero to join with a mischief of common field-mice intent on ravaging the tender shoots of our golden fields of America—namely, the children of our once-promising society?


A Plague Of Sin Is Destroying Our Youth

To be fair, Mickey isn’t the only one spreading this childhood disease of the soul. These days, many different purveyors of sexual sin and chaos are specifically targeting our children for abuse and ideological recruitment. Ever since the Epstein scandal opened our eyes to this kind of secret horror, the sex trafficking of minors and proliferation of child pornography is being discovered more and more by law enforcement agencies as they peel back the layers of our degraded society.

Shockingly, our governing authorities seem hardly concerned by this sickening trend. For example, California’s lenient crime legislation has been releasing thousands of convicted pedophiles from prison in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of kids under 14. And lately it has been reported that our federal government, for the sake of maintaining an uncomplicated border policy, is ignoring the trafficking of unaccompanied child migrants who are then “pimped out” by their criminal “sponsors” to pay their border-crossing debt.

Meanwhile, on the social scene, major news outlets seemingly have no problem publishing articles that try to normalize pedophilia; doctors are actively pushing for toddlers to be seen as fully-realized, willful sexual beings since birth; and the latest media scandal involves a popular celebrity-endorsed fashion company that is being called out for using calculated imagery of sexualized children in their advertising.

And in late-breaking news, American Girl, which makes a very popular brand of dolls, has reportedly just published a book for girls aged 3-12 which offers tips on how they can signal their sexual preferences “to the world” and also teaches them how to change gender by asking doctors for puberty blockers!

So what in the world is going on here? This increasing eagerness by some people to normalize the sexual prepping of our children has become so clearly obvious that one would think that this evil would be sharply denounced by every segment of our society. Alas, such is not always the case. To the contrary, this subversive activity is allowed to stand in many communities throughout our country; and sadly, the greatest promoters of this indoctrination are also the greatest influencers of children, other than parents: specifically, educators and popular media who have no problem putting sexually explicit materials or “toys” in the hands of our little ones.

The sad truth is, our nation has a widespread plague of sin-sickness that is victimizing and destroying our youth as much as Molech worship ever did, especially when you add abortion to the mix (Leviticus 18:21).


We Have Become Like The Philistines

Back in the 1960s, Ruth Graham (the wife of Billy) saw so much sinfulness in our country that she was provoked to remark in exasperation: “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah.” One might wonder what Mrs. Graham would say if she were alive today to see this new level of evil. Perhaps, continuing with the theme she started, she might slightly amend her words to say, “If God doesn’t punish Americans, He’ll have to apologize to the Philistines.”

Why the Philistines? Like America today, the Philistine nation was also in open rebellion against God, continually harassing and oppressing His chosen people over the years. In one particular military assault, the Philistines defeated the Israelites in battle, stole their ark of the Covenant and placed it under the authority and physical control of their false god, Dagon. By doing this, they hoped to take away the centrality and power of Israel’s God, but it turned out to be their undoing.

In the presence of the captured ark, the Philistine’s idol fell to the ground and shattered into pieces; and for seven months afterwards, a plague of ravenous field-mice and blistering skin tumors wreaked havoc upon their once-proud nation (1 Samuel 5:1-8; 6:4-5).

Likewise in America, we are seeing this familiar pattern of rebellion against God and increasing evidence of His judgment against our country. Acting just like those foolish Philistines, our nation’s leadership and social influencers have decided to mount an offensive against the Christian Church, not only to destroy her large presence in the world, but to plunder and haul off her precious doctrines found in the law of Christ in order to somehow place them under the authority of the god of this dark world.

And how are they carrying out this sinister agenda? By overwhelming the Christian faith with a constant wave of legal red tape, social ridicule and an opposing campaign to glorify the Self. This they do with all the rebel troops they can muster in the hope that they can decimate the soldiers of God to a powerless minority among all the other scattered belief systems under their tight supervision.

No doubt removing God and the Bible from the scene seemed like a good thing to these people, but the deadly consequence may have taken them by surprise. Suddenly, America’s collective soul has been left with no defense. Spiritual sickness and moral confusion have spread throughout the land as we have witnessed a cartoon mouse and other destructive characters having free rein to wreak havoc on our children.

To be sure, the political upheaval and spiritual destruction taking place in America today have definitely risen to a level of Biblical proportion. Is it not Biblically possible, in fact, that the sudden spike in suicide, pandemics and rampant disease like sexually-transmitted monkeypox and aggressive tumors might be, in some measure, the result of our arrogance and sinfulness? (Exodus 9:9; Daniel 4:16; Psalm 38:3; I Corinthians 11:29-30). Back in the day, the Philistines would surely admit to that deadly correlation.


Proclaiming The Remedy In The Midst Of God’s Judgment

According to the Bible’s transcendent morality, America’s institutionalized sinfulness is surely under God’s holy judgment, regardless of the world’s skewed perception of her spiritual health. This is not to say that there aren’t any true and praiseworthy things to commend in our country as we focus our faith on the God of peace (Philippians 4:8-9). However, the evidence of God’s patient lovingkindness towards sinners should never be construed as His acceptance of America’s increasing ungodliness now exhibited among the wicked rebels of her citizenry.

The role of the Christian (or anyone who desires to join Christ’s fellowship) is not to waste time waiting for God to judge the evildoers of this country, but to judge ourselves and seek to maintain our faithful discipleship regardless of the darkness pressing around us (Lamentations 3:40; II Corinthians 13:5). The idea that we as a society can “fix” these problems without God and His transcendent truth, and replace Him with empty philosophy, social engineering and the high-sounding nonsense of progressive programs is a pipe dream that will soon blow up in our faces.

Our focus should be on declaring the reconciliation and eternal peace that God provides the sinner through faith in the sacrificial death and victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is our main job, not trying to figure out how the Lord is specifically going to make it all work out for His glory and the salvation of His people. As heralds of God’s truth, we are lovingly-created cogs in the machinery of His grace, spreading the love of Christ and proclaiming the salvation secured by Him (Ephesians 2:10).

Perhaps the ravages of the Mouse and the plague-ridden destroyers of our wayward society will one day take their toll on our fellow countrymen and they will turn to God for their salvation. Perhaps the powers-that-be, like the rulers of the Philistines, will be persuaded to end their suppression of the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ in the hopes that God will “lift His hand from them, their land and their gods” (1 Samuel 6:4-5).

In fact, there is a recent sign that this might begin to happen, as the new CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, has issued a directive to his employees to have more “respect” for their audience and no “disdain” for their audience’s opposing viewpoint. Considering the huge loss of business from Christian parents who have felt the need to abandon Disney entertainment for the sake of their children, it is obvious who Mr. Iger is trying to appease with this new, respectful approach. At the very least, our money still talks.

Nevertheless, Christians shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for Disney (or any other corporate or governmental institution) to issue golden statues in the image of Mickey Mouse to believers as some sort of guilt offering to God, like the Philistine did for Israel (1 Samuel 6:4). Even now, this spiritual warfare against the people of God is taking place and the extent of the devastation on this battlefield remains to be seen. At this point, we have to wonder how much massive damage has already been done to our innocent ones which will be hard to reverse without the grace of God.


Raising Our Children In The Admonition Of The Lord

Deep down in their God-given consciences, people in America know the right thing to do. Indeed there are a lot of people right now who are quite familiar with Jesus’ teaching about our sacred responsibility to children, and some of these informed people are not even professing Christians. Nevertheless, they have heard of the Lord’s condemnation of those who would dare to corrupt an innocent child and the judgment of being drowned with a “millstone around the neck” (Matthew 18:6). This, no doubt, has had a significant resonance with many Americans today because of the amazing Christians throughout our history who have blanketed our country with the word of God.

Because of this Biblical foundation, many Americans understand in some small way that children are “a heritage from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3) that should be taught throughout each day by the godly words and actions of their parents (Deuteronomy 6:5-7), so that the peace of our children will be great as they grow to full spiritual maturity as God-fearing adults (Isaiah 54:13).

To be sure, America has been uniquely blessed with the opportunity to repent from this sinfulness which is quickly destroying the younger generation of our nation. In fact, we have been commanded by God to raise our children in the training and admonition of the Lord to avoid that great tragedy (Ephesians 6:4). This is why Christians, above all people, should never let up on protecting our precious ones from the field-ravagers of our time with the word of God and the love of Christ in the hope that His grace would save parents and children alike.

Indeed we are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, knowing that the Spirit is more than able to take it from there and do the rest to fulfill God’s will in this world. In the end, regardless of what happens to America and her children in this current plague of immorality, it will all be done to the glory of God.

Let us fervently pray that we as a country might be an example to the world, not of God’s judgment, but of His amazing grace to those who would repent and believe in Jesus Christ by coming to Him as little children in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3; 19:14).


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